Tag: Education

  • Impacts of Noise Pollution

    Impacts of Noise Pollution

    “Noise pollution is an invisible danger.“ U.S. agencies have deemed noise pollution “a growing danger to the health and welfare of the Nation’s population”, alongside reports that noise pollution ranks second after air pollution for the most harmful form of environmental exposure to public health. Noise pollution impacts millions of people daily, with the effect of:…

  • The Eden Project

    The Eden Project

    “People know that things are wrong but they don’t know what they can do to change it… Eden needs to be a shop window of hope.” Mission “We are an educational charity and social enterprise. Our global mission is to create a movement that builds relationships between people and the natural world to demonstrate the…

  • Biophilia


    The Biophilia Hypothesis The biophilia hypothesis suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. The term was introduced by Edward. O Wilson in which he defined biophilia, in his book Biophilia, as “the urge to affiliate with other forms of life.” With American psychoanalyst, Erich Fromm…

  • Youth, Gender & Climate

    Gender Equality at the Centre of Solutions CSW66 Global Youth Recommendations: Youth, Gender, and Climate Early 2022 I was lucky enough to be part of the volunteer team for UN Women’s Youth-Led Regional Conversations, specifically on climate change and links to gender. I spoke to a Year 11 (15-16) Geography and Global Citizenship class of…

  • The Great Barrier Reef: Funding Project

    The Great Barrier Reef, which stretches just under 1500 miles along the north coast of Australia, is home to over 9000 known species and provides roughly 64,000 jobs to the local area. Its importance to the way we live is significant as the Great Barrier Reef helps reduce carbon emissions, provides a valuable source for…

  • How New College Can Reach Net Zero

    How New College Can Reach Net Zero

    We, as students of New College, are writing today because we want to see a change in the way the college is run so it is more environmentally friendly. After all, it is our generation that will face the majority of consequences if nothing is done now. You may be wondering why it is so…