Category: Projects

  • Waste and Recycling

    Waste and Recycling

    In our reprographics team, led by Bev Watts, college staff have been recycling a variety of unusual hard to recycle items for a number of years. The hard work of Bev and the staff was recognised last year by a write up in the Sunday Times.  From the article, “How to Recycle the Unrecyclable” written by Sarah…

  • Green Space and Biodiversity

    Green Space and Biodiversity

    What We Can Do Together At New College At our North Star campus, we have been working to increase our wild spaces around college. At both sites, we participate in No Mow May which helps wild flowers to grow and make some wild flowers available for pollinators. More tree planting is also in process for…

  • Transport


    What Can We Do Together At New College We can share lifts, use public transport and walk or cycle to college where possible. We are looking into providing electric car charging points for staff or students to use We will be supporting staff and students who wish to cycle by providing opporunities for bicycle maintainance…

  • Energy


    What We Can Do Together at New College At both our North Star and Queens Drive sites have switched over 80% of the lighting to efficient LED lights over the last 5 years. This has led to a substantial reduction in our electricity consumption. In 2018 / 2019 our North Star campus completely switched the…

  • Student Education and Empowerment

    Student Education and Empowerment

    What We Can Do Together At New College The art, design and textiles team have been encouraging and supporting students to build sustainability themes into their projects and design work. This has included sustainable fashion, sustainable design principles, nature in art, bug hotels using recycled materials, upcycled clothing and many more! What We Need To…