Author: Sophie

  • Fundraising for our rivers

    Fundraising for our rivers

    Spreading awareness of river pollution as part of sustainability week and Cop27 Today we were fundraising for Together, for Rivers | The Rivers Trust with our volunteer – Lecturer Luke – dressed up, enduring wet sponges and buckets of water being thrown at him. We had many participants and donations! River pollution continuously causes declines…

  • The ozone layer is healing!

    The ozone layer is healing!

    New announcement made by NASA. Predicted to ‘fully heal within 50 years’, what caused the stratospheric ozone layer to deplete, and why is this significant? The ozone layer protects us from the exposure of Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, harmful to animals and plants alike, making us more vulnerable to diseases such as skin…

  • Reduction of CO2 emissions in heating systems

    New college will be undergoing a ‘carbonisation of heating’ survey, to evaluate our impact on the release of carbon emissions to aid us in working towards our net-zero goal. Our aim is to reduce the amount of carbon produced by the heating systems we currently occupy. So why is decarbonisation of heating important to us?……