Regenerated land

CHALLENGING CLIMATE CHANGE: The Great Green Wall of Africa

For the past 15 years, Africa has inspired millions of people to stand up and act against climate change.

The lives of African communities have been turned upside down, mostly due to the devasting effects of climate change, which has already caused a lot of changes to the way our world functions and will most likely continue to do. However, Africa refuses to stand down.

A huge wave of hope and resilience has flooded communities in Africa with a new idea; how about we build a green wall?

And no, we’re not talking about the Great Wall of China. We’re talking about a wall of trees which stretches across the Sahel region, spanning 11 countries, in order to restore biodiversity and fertility.

Yes, that’s right.

An Africa-led movement, mostly consisting of three organisations, has huge ambitions to plant a wild belt of trees, vegetation and restore lands for fertility across the Sahel.

Originally planned to be 8000km, approximately 25 million trees have already been planted, and the numbers are continuing to rise. By 2030, Africa hopes to have restored land worth 100k hectares, which will ultimately sequester (take away) 250 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere, changing lives worldwide and minimising the effects of climate change.

Not only will the movement become one of the largest carbon sinks on planet Earth, but this will encourage families which have had to flee their homes due to food insecurity to return.

This also includes other factors such as: breaking migration patterns, improving health and wellbeing, providing a safe place to drink water, economic opportunities as well as symbolise peace and faith to the people of Africa.


So, how can you help?

The Great Green Wall of Africa is accepting donations directly from personal interest and/or money raised from fundraisers. There is also the opportunity to donate monthly.

However, if you are unable to donate, feel free to support this movement by sharing with your friends and family, maybe even contacting your manager/head teacher to create a fundraising event.

Not only are you helping the movement, but you are also supporting millions of people from the devasting effects of climate change.


As the author behind this blog, I personally think this is a great step in the right direction. I’m hoping this will inspire many communities or individuals across the world to think that we can fight against climate change. To see the amazing cooperation and teamwork between communities in Africa, I don’t see a reason why we should stop now.


 Organisations part of this movement: The African Union, Tree Aid, UN Convention (of combating desertification)

Link to the GGWA website: