Green Space and Biodiversity

What We Can Do Together At New College

At our North Star campus, we have been working to increase our wild spaces around college. At both sites, we participate in No Mow May which helps wild flowers to grow and make some wild flowers available for pollinators.

More tree planting is also in process for the new year.

New hedgerows have been planted along the edges of the animal management site to provide shelter for the animal enclosure and also boost native wildlife on the campus.

What We Need To Do Individually


Create more diverse habitats in our garden spaces


Reduce our use of artificial pesticides – in gardens and in making our food


Encourage local decision makers to protect natural spaces and to act further to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions


  • A significant drop in biodiversity in the UK due to habitat loss because of urbanisation and agriculture.
  • How can we improve biodiversity on college campuses with only limited availability of green space?